In the heart of the Kaunas Aleksotas Innovation Industrial Park (KAIPP) lies an old artillery warehouse, not as a hideout but as a sanctuary for creativity. This unconventional space recently played host to an extraordinary event, “No-hideout: Ferment of Ideas,” which took place on October 6-7, 2023. Instead of a sterile conference hall, it offered a wet floor, a cracked ceiling, thick scents, and cozy darkness – a perfect canvas for the budding creativity that unfolded within.
The central premise of this event was to test radically open spaces for community, diversity, and creativity, aspiring to set a model for the city of the future. Over the course of two days, this unique gathering brought together enthusiasts, local residents, and curious visitors for a rich tapestry of intellectual, artistic, playful, and gastronomic interactions.
Friday: A Feast of Creativity and Connection
The festivities began on Friday evening as the No-hideout opened its doors to the eager crowd. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation, and the spirit of innovation was palpable.
Attendees were treated to a tantalizing “Not Secret Porridge and Artists” workshop, a creative food extravaganza offering a vegan banquet where you could indulge to your heart’s content. For a mere 3 Euros, participants immersed themselves in the art of collective mash-making and engaged in stimulating discussions with international artists.
As the night progressed, “From Life to Eternity” by the “Escape from the Theater” troupe graced the makeshift stage, immersing the audience in a mesmerizing performance. The evening culminated with “Show Your Goodies,” an open screening event that encouraged attendees to share their content through ready-made projectors, fostering an atmosphere of shared creativity and community.
Saturday: A Day of Exploration and Imagination
Saturday dawned, and the No-hideout came alive once more. The day was filled with activities designed to stimulate the mind and nourish the soul.
“Ferment of Ideas” offered visitors an immersive therapeutic imagination training experience, inviting them to fantasize and feel better in the present moment. A creative hike from the Kaunas railway station led curious souls to the Hideout, accompanied by intriguing discussions on enzymes and the future.
The “Xantho: Space” workshops allowed participants to create living interventions in the Kaunas Fortress Park, using microbiological growth paste as a medium. This transformed the park into a place for interspecies encounters, fostering a deep connection with nature.
For the young and the young at heart, the “Robot Bus” provided an educational journey into the world of playful innovations in robotics. The specially equipped bus was a highlight of the event, offering an exciting glimpse into the future of technology.
The evening was equally captivating, featuring an enlightening excursion to the Kaunas Fortress in Aleksotas, a round table discussion on culture and its exploitation, and an electrifying “Algorave” concert. The latter was a community event where performers wrote live software code to create music, blending technology and art in a mesmerizing fashion.
Other Activities: A Playground for Curiosity
In addition to the main program, “No-hideout: Ferment of Ideas” offered a plethora of other activities to engage the curious mind:
- The Robot Bus, a mobile educational wonderland.
- A community food boutique for gastronomic exploration.
- The KAIPP mapping game for the adventurous.
- A toy synthesizer improvisation corner for musical experimentation.
- “Faux Flora,” an exhibition of photographs by Rusnė Kuliešiūtė, inviting viewers to explore the boundary between reality and imagination.
- A science and science fiction reading room, where ideas flowed freely.
Organized by the International Horizon 2020 project “T-Factor,” in collaboration with Kaunas Fortress Park and 3022, “No-hideout: Ferment of Ideas” proved to be a groundbreaking event that blurred the lines between art, science, and imagination. It exemplified the potential of open spaces to nurture creativity and innovation, offering a glimpse into a future where communities thrive on the exchange of ideas and the celebration of diversity. This remarkable event will be remembered as a catalyst for change and a testament to the power of human imagination.